CNA Classes in Rhode Island
CNA classes in Rhode Island is a one of the easiest ways to start a career in the growing healthcare sector. As the nation grows older and bigger, the demand for healthcare professionals such as certified nursing assistants (CNA) is at record high. Over the next decade, this demand will reach critical mass. By enrolling in CNA classes in Rhode Island, you will be help meet this much needed demand while creating a new career.
Believe it or not, finding CNA classes in Rhode Island is pretty simple. You will find that most community colleges, vocational or technical schools, hospitals and nursing homes offer CNA training programs approved by the state of Rhode Island. You can also join one of the many outstanding distance learning schools that offer top quality online CNA classes. No matter where you go to CNA classes in Rhode Island, you will be able to finish the entire program in as little as 8 weeks.
- CNA Classes in Rhode Island
- CNA Certification in Rhode Island
- CNA Jobs in Rhode Island
- CNA Salary in Rhode Island
CNA classes in Rhode Island are devised to teach you both the theoretical and practical skills needed. Your certified nurse assistant training will involve at least 80 hours of classroom instruction and 20 hours of clinical practice to meet the requirements of the State of Rhode Island Department of Health. Upon completion of the training program you will need to pass a competency evaluation exam. This exam is performed in two parts and will test the skills you received in your CNA classes in Rhode Island with a multiple choice portion and a hand-on demonstration.
Maintaining Your Certification
Your CNA certification is valid – unless it has been suspended – for two years before it must be renewed. In order to qualify for certification renewal you must be employed and compensated at least 8 hours over the previous 24 months or have completed your CNA training and testing with those 24 months. A renewal form will be sent to you around May 1st.
The demand for CNAs in Rhode Island is extremely strong. has placed a projected 12% increase in employment opportunities for certified nurse assistants over the next decade. This is a healthy robust percentage. Below you will find a comparison of Rhode Island and the national average.
State | 2010 | 2020 | Percent Change | Projected Job Openings |
Rhode Island | 9,360 | 10,810 | 270 | 16% |
*Projected New Job Openings Yearly
Source: Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training- Labor Market Information
CNA salary ranks at the higher end against all other occupations not requiring a post secondary degree. In Rhode Island you will notice that the median wages for CNAs is above the national average and may grow as demand dictates. To compare the national median and the Rhode Island median salaries for CNAs, see the chart.
Type | Bottom 10% | Bottom 25% | Median | Top 75% | Top 90% |
Hourly | $10.31 | $11.89 | $13.47 | $15.67 | $18.02 |
Yearly | $21,400 | $24,700 | $28,000 | $32,600 | $37,500 |
Resources: State of Rhode Island Department of Health, Career One Stop, Community College of Rhode Island