It is very common that the lower ranked employees face harassment. It’s especially true for new workers. A new CNA can find that he/she is the victim of various injustices. Usually, the problems are the results of competition among CAN’s. While it may be mild and therefore, insignificant at times, the problems faced by the certified nursing assistant might possibly force them to quit.
There are different kinds of obstacles that a CAN might face:
Vertical Harassment: Second problem faced by a CAN is vertical harassment. This refers to unjustified behavior from higher levels of the organization hierarchy. Nurses might subject the nurse aide to political maneuvering, backstabbing and even verbal abuse.
Horizontal Harassment: happens when a new and inexperienced nurse assitant finds that the other CAN’s give him/her the most unpleasant jobs. When time passes, as he gains the trust and respect of his fellow employees, this harassment will disappear.
Helplessness: If the CNA reports the problem to higher ranks about the abuse, they might ignore the problem and ‘advise’ the certified nursing assistant to “toughen up”. The helplessness that follows usually can affects the work of the CNA, deteriorating his position in the workplace.
Dealing with the Problem:The best way to deal with the problem is to remain friendly and in good terms with the nurse and the nurse aides staff. Over time, the other CNAs will also become friendlier. If the problem does get worse to a confrontation, it is important to calm down and firmly put forth the problems before the authorities.
Rather than shutting down, good communication will often help in closing the gaps between coworkers. Communication, after all, is among the most important skills that a CNA must possess.
Long hour shifts: CNA jobs can be incredibly demanding. You face long shift hours, which can be up to 8-12 hours. Some patients need continual, around-the-clock care, which will lead to the longer hours. Many people may find this challenging to work with.
Physical demands: The job of a CNA is physically demanding. You will have to care for patients who may be immobile, help them do daily tasks such as sitting, walking, bathing, and changing them… even taking them to the bathroom. You may have to keep the area they live in clean, too — this can take a lot out of someone.
Juggling various responsibilities: You will have numerous different responsibilities that come along with patient care. You’ll need to check and record patients’ food intake, vital signs, and moods and emotions. You will also have to help them perform daily tasks and clean up after them. Because of this, CNAs need to be calm and organized, otherwise you can become incredibly overwhelmed.